Saturday, January 23, 2021


Go pro9When I purchase the Gopro9 a couple of months ago it was because My wife would always use My Gopro8 and I thought what the heck I will let My wife have the Gopro8 and get me a new one.

One of the first things that I regret not doing was buying directly from the GoPro site because with a subscription from the Gopro8 I could have saved a pretty penny.

One thing that I do Like about the Gopro9 that the Gopro8 did not have was the ability to change the lens.

Imagine having to replace The Gopro for damaged front lens.

I also Like the fact that it has a front screen great for vlogging which is a plus when your wanting to create content for sites.

Now the one thing I don't Like about it is how quickly the battery gets used up recording which makes it very important to carry a backup battery.

There have been some improvements to The night recording but it's still essential to have lighting.

One more thing if you upgrade the firmware, the Mic feature would no longer work unless you have the media Mod. Well, I hope this helps you in your deciding factor on getting a Gopro9. 
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Friday, January 22, 2021

What isp service speed should I get


 Summary: Which internet speed fits my needs
  By JesusJF

We all have a tendency of believing that the fastest service is usually out best option,
but it turns out that is not always the case.


When I purchase the Gopro9 a couple of months ago it was because My wife would always use My Gopro8 and I thought what the heck I will let ...