well you reached the right place,Most of our download speed issue if not all are user related.its true we are our worst enemy ,Did you know that every Internet service provider has a limit on how much you can download a month and sometimes even daily.
Once you reached that limit its dial up speed all over again,other times it because you are on a wireless network that does not have a secure password which means anyone can connect to your Internet service and use up your bandwidth speeds.
If you have a secure connection then other things that can affect your speeds are the ones that are connected to the network and are either streaming video or had a program installed on the computer like a peer to peer program that is used to download software,music or movies running in the background.
Most people don't know this but when you have a program like that installed on your system for file sharing ,you are basically sharing your bandwidth with who ever is downloading the program you downloaded from your system,that's right now you're speeds are greatly affected by that.
Other times it can be that your computer needs a tuneup because it has too many program's running in that background,and last but not least you may have a virus.so these are the main reasons why our download speeds are usually affected.
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