Saturday, August 17, 2013

My Windows 8 Bipolar Experience


When I first used Windows 8 I was so confused on how to find all my programs,I truly felt ask if My desktop was an overgrown Tablet ,Mind you I had three 27 inch Monitors,so it was triple confusion for me,but the more I used it the easier it became especially when I found a way of adding my familiar Start button.

By searching Google,I was able to download a windows 8 start menu that allowed me to choose different style,Windows 7,Windows Vista or Windows XP,I preferred the look of Windows 7 start Menu,after that I finally was able to find the shutdown button which was very hard to find,but when you have a start menu it make it easy.

I then started to mess with the windows 8 Apps,I saw how many apps I was able to get and the good thing about the apps it that it doesn't use that much hard-drive space so that was a plus,one thing I didn't like was the fact that in order to login to My computer I had to enter my email address and password.
why the heck would you need my email address and email password ,the first thing I thought was Maybe to spam me with Junk email or to spy on me,OK I could just be a little paranoid but that's just the way I have always been ,Now back to Windows 8 I did notice that Most of the programs and hardware that worked on My Windows 7 computer had compatibility issue.

 I was able to resolve the issue by going directly to the Manufacturer of the hardware device and software that I had issue with.I did Like how fast Windows 8 loaded to the Desktop and overall performance,with That being said will I buy another Desktop or Laptop With Windows 8,Believe it or not the answer is yes.

I hoped you Enjoyed My Windows 8 experience .

Please comment if you have any further question and if the article was helpful don't forget to click on the Google plus 1 button


When I purchase the Gopro9 a couple of months ago it was because My wife would always use My Gopro8 and I thought what the heck I will let ...